For Admission

Divine Life
International School

School of Enlightement


  • The students are expected to reach the school 5 minutes before the school starts.
  • If the student is late, due to any unavoidable circumstances, the parent should accompany the child and seek the Principal's permission before sending the ward to the class.
  • No child is permitted to leave the school premises during recess or otherwise, except the permission of the Principal on certain conditions only.
  • It is compulsory for every student to come in proper school uniform.
  • The student should converse only in English in the school premises.
  • Students should always greet teachers, elders and friends wherever they meet them whether in school premises or outside.
  • Students should maintain proper discipline and observe good manners.
  • Shouting, running or whistling in the school building is strictly prohibited.
  • While moving from one place to the other and while using the stairs the students should move forming a line without disturbing the other classes.
  • The senior students should allow and help the juniors to move first and in proper
  • Students should follow the instructions of the school Prefects and Class Monitors.
  • Students should obey the instructions of the Teachers, Principal and other school Authorities.
  • No student should leave the classroom/school premises without the permission of The Teacher/Principal
  • Students should not pluck flowers from the school garden or damage it in any other way.
  • Students should not bring money, mobile or any other valuables to the school,
  • Every student should take proper care of the school property. Damage observed or done even by accident should be reported at once to the Class-Teacher/Principal.
  • Students should take care of their belongings and keep them in order.
  • Every student must take care to keep the school premises clean. Care should be taken to throw the waste paper, pencil sharpening. plastics or any other waste material in the dust bins only.
  • Bringing Tiffin in the form of chips packets or other wrappers is prohibited. Tin should be brought According to the Lunch.
  • All the belongings like pencil and Tiffin boxes, Water Bottles, Books, Noteboss. Sweaters. Skatos, Karate Uniform, etc. should be properly labelled with niece! standard and section.
  • Students should take special care when in Library and in Science or Computer Laboratory.
  • All the students are expected to follow the Code of Conduct
  • Students are not allowed to bring heavy vehicles
  • Students should not write anything on the wall, if caught sever punishment will be given.